
My Theory: Smoking & Cancer

I'm not a doctor or anything, but I've always had an interest in medicine; perhaps it has to do with being Chinese?

Anyhow, I've been studying about Vitamin C and smoking.

The reason I started reading about this was because I came across an article that correlated impotency in men who smoked. I'm trying to quit, and the photograph of the drooping cigarette on the box really scares me. I did some googling and discovered that doctors didn't actually know how nicotine would cause this phenomenon; but they did know that the cause was due to the weakening of the blood vessels.

For a long time, I have assumed that cancer wasn't caused directly by smoking. It is well known that nicotine lowers the body's ability to absorb vitamin C. Smokers deplete their store of vitamin C much faster than non-smokers. Every young child is taught at school that a deficiency in vitamin C causes scurvy... Interesting I thought to myself as I looked at the photograph of damaged gums on my package of Canadian cigarettes, 'Smoking causes gum disease'.

What if, I thought to myself, that the cause of cancer, heart disease, etc was not due to the chemicals in the cigarette itself but to the low amount of vitamin C in a smoker's body? EH? Heart disease is due to the blood vessels in the heart weakening and becoming thinner, then bursting, causing the blood pressure to increase in the remaining blood vessels; Vitamin C causes blood vessels to thicken and become more elastic. As well as boosting the immune system, Vitamin C has been speculated to prevent cancer too.

So if all these diseases are attributed to vitamin C deficiency, then why doesn't the government or the pharmaceutical companies say anything? I think I know why, and it's pretty obvious if you think about it; they're scared of the cancer cure. The large pharmaceutical companies would lose their large sums of funding if word ever got out that a natural cure or prevention of cancer existed.

They blame cigarettes instead, what have they got to lose? They keep the smokers on a tight leash anyway, selling them expensive nicotine patches and alternative addictive products. This is not to say that it's okay to smoke cigarettes, any type of drug that you ingest into your body is going to be harmful in the long term: remember, vitamin C is NOT a drug!


Anonymous said...

Hehe, guess who?
Wow! we hav so much in common Lol, ive always had an interest for medicine to!
when did u start 2 smoke? Smoking can also ADD 10 yrs to your face! it gives you wrinkles!
We had a 'health day'at my skwl where there would be special peeps come in to talk to us about our health!
cool blog xXx

Zombiehellmonkey said...

Hey you're not allowed to read this blog! You're too young! If you keep reading it, then I'm going to have to stop sending emails to you. By the way, I can tell by your IP. address if you are visiting this site!