
Magical Toronto Summers

Life is so good at the moment. It can only get better.

The city was stipped bare by the sunlight today, so I decided to spend the day walking around the city. I often wonder whether there is something wrong with me because whenever I walk the streets of Toronto on a day like this, I can still feel as if I had just landed here almost two years ago. I stepped out of the house, took a deep breath of fresh air and thought to myself, 'Wow!! I'm in frigging Toronto!' Everything looked so fresh today, so vibrant with colour that I could have been walking through a rainbow. The sidewalks gleamed with such intensity, it made the buildings look like they were floating on sunlight.

There was so much life outside today, almost as if the atoms in the people and architecture were thrumming with a frequency so intense that they would either burst or melt. Ah, the air was fresh with traffic fumes and dust, but it felt as if all the elements were in balance today, playing with each other like excited children on a playground. Music blared out from the shops and cafes on Queen Street, flooding the air with a sense of anticipation for the fun summer nights ahead. There is something beautiful about the sound of skateboard wheels on the pavement, it is the wakeup alarm call of the Toronto city streets in summertime.

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