
Acting for Dummies...

 Right now, I'm at George Brown college waiting for my acting class to start, so like most of the other students I've come to the computer room to waste an hour or so... I think I'll rant about acting...

So I'm in Acting II now, it's really changed the way that I watch movies; "I'm looking for emotion darlings... EMOTION, I'm not feeling anything." Last night, I decided to watch Monty Python's Holy Grail, for comedians, these guys really know how to act; I'm talking about Michael Palin and John Cleese in particular. It's amazing how John Cleese can bring a script to life with his eccentricities, and he can do pissed off very well too.

Then I watch a film like the Matrix, everyone seems to be a fan of these Matrix movies, but I think that the ideas and concepts that the Wachowski brothers stole from other films is what really makes it successful, otherwise the acting sucks as badly as a diarrhea milkshake. For instance, I was thinking of the scene in the first movie where Keanu Reeves character, Neo, is downloading 'skills' such as martial arts into his brain. He and the rest of the cast might have done themselves a big favour by downloading acting skills, "I know acting!!"; at least 'Acting for Dummies', anyway. Then we might have seen Morpheus and Neo in the dojo scene performing an incredible rendition of Shakespeare, Neo as Lady Macbeth on the edge of a nervous breakdown, and Morpheus as Macbeth.

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