
My Evening...

A friend of mine gave me a call tonight, 'come out tonight, it'll be fun, I'm meeting a few friends at the Afterlife nightclub'...

I had been staring at a page of the first chapter of the collaborative novel that I have been working on for the past month, what the heck, I thought to myself, if Mozart can have a good time while producing Sonatas, then so can I; not that I rate myself anywhere close to Mister Amadeus, but I realized that the creative process does indeed require a break. Off I went.

It happened to be Irish night, alot of Irish people who had nothing better to do than be Irish. It wasn't until I went up to the smoking area on the roof deck that I got to speak to the Irish. 'You've got an English accent' said one girl, I get that alot from the Canadians I told her... 'But you're Chinese,' I nodded, '..that's weird.'

Okay, I agree the Irish have never had good relations with the English, but I had nothing to do with that part of history. I'm good friends with alot of second generation Irish people here in Canada, tonight I realized how friendly Canadians actually are. I told a group of Irish people, 'you're in Canada now, people are friendly, sorry, but that's something that you have to get used to.' Nonetheless, I did meet a few welcoming Irish folk.

It was a disappointing night, but the highlight of the evening was coming home and finding that famous New York comedian, Jen Dziura, had commented in my blog... Ho hum, 'c'est la vie' say the Japanese...

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