
I used to write about human eyeballs

This is an article that I wrote over 3 years ago!! It was a submission for the BBC book of the Future. I'm tempted to edit it; the grammar is not too great, but instead, I'll probably just cut and paste it as I had originally intended for it to be read. As you'll see, I didn't have a sense of humour back then...


The ever increasing popularity and demand for Digitally Enhanced Vision (DEV), has resulted in an over abundant surplus of organic human eyeballs.

Five years ago, we saw the shipping of over 10,000 surgically removed eyeballs from America, where DEV was orginally pioneered, to several third-world countries for transplants where blindness caused by eye diseases still remain a problem.

Now, we are faced with another problem; what to do with all the excess eyeballs? It appears that there is a growing market in Japan and other parts of Asia for human eyeballs as a delicacy. The oculars can be freshly bought in any Japanese supermarket and cooked or eaten raw.

As with most things Japanese these days, the trend for eating human eyeballs seems to be catching on over here in the West. Already, in a few popular London sushi bars, one can purchase eyeball soup or, sliced and battered crispy eyeballs with prawns.
Eye have to give it a go some time!

You can find more articles that I wrote HERE.

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