
Strange Drurgs: Murshrooms

While I was trekking across the fields of the naturally hostile countryside looking for bumble bees to kill, I encountered a strange looking fungi. 'What are you?' I asked the mushroom inquisitively, 'I have never encountered any of your kind before.' It remained silent.

I scanned the vicinity for people then bent my knees and lowered the upper torso that bore my head towards the lifeform. 'What the fuck are you?' I spat impatiently. The mushroom audaciously stood it's ground. I shook a tight fist at the mushroom and growled at it.

'Then if you will not tell me, then I must eat you!' In one smooth action, I swooped a hand through the air, plucked it from the ground and fed it into my oral interface. 'Ha, ha, ha, I am chewing you, I am chewing you!' I said as it squished between my teeth.

I skipped home merrily, laughing all the way back.

I was standing in the kitchen looking at three of my close friends. They were staring at me with jaws wide open.

'What the hell are you doing?' said Jane with a mixture of concern and confusion in her voice as her eyes gestured towards my hand.

In my hand, I was holding a bar of soap. The next minute, I was eating the bar of soap and singing Christmas carols backwards.

'Jesus H fucking Christ, he's gone completely nuts!' said Bob.

I found myself in the bathroom smearing shit all over my body while singing 'Sweet Caroline'. I laughed a crazy laugh, and I thought to myself that this is what crazy people go through; I'm going crazy!

It was pitch black on the other side of the window, I was sitting in a bathrobe on the couch with Jennifer and Jane on either side. I was clutching a pen and scribbling frantically in a sketchpad.

'What is he doing?' asked Jane to Jennifer.

Then my voice spoke, 'I'm silly guy.'

I looked at the sketchpad, and watched the drawing evolve before my eyes, the pen had a mind of it's own. The scratching noise that it made with the paper started to form music, a percussive rhythm. Another sound jumped in; my other hand was using an eraser to add another layer of noise. I closed my eyes, and felt the music overwhelm me. Suddenly, a scream, I opened my eyes. I was eating a cigarette while staring at the drawing that I had made, it was a picture of me having sex with Jennifer. A hand grabbed the cigarette and pulled it out of my mouth.

Meanwhile, a bunch of strangers dressed in black had entered my house. They looked like eastern european bohemian beatniks. 'Who are you?' I whispered weakly. They sat around the kitchen table, harrassing me with their little beady eyes while they sneered.

'I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me!' I croaked.

'He's just a poor boy from a poor family!' they choired in response.

A face appeared before me, I was staring at a pair of closed eyelids. The owner of the face was Jennifer and she was moaning; I was having sex with Jennifer! 'I must make a baby!' said my voice, 'I must make more of me!' I heard myself roar.

I was standing before a huge audience in a theatre, they applauded rapturously, and I took a bow. I was hunched over the bathroom sink splashing cold water onto my face as I stood up from the bow. I looked into a mirror before me and a haggard old man looked back at me. 'What's happening to me?' I asked.

'This is life. This is the stage.' He zoomed out, and I could see that he was now standing very far from me, yet I could still hear him talk as if he were against my ear, 'Life is one big play. Do you like to play?'


Pope Richard Corey said...

I laughed, I learned, I liked.

Unknown said...

"Sweet Caroline"
"He's just a poor boy,etc."
"This is Life. This is the stage."


Postmodernism over-analysis meter has determined that this story is about the slow decay and disillusionment accompanying a life of fame and excess, perhaps referencing the "me" culture of the 1970s.

But it's more than that. It's taught me that deep down, I think we all want to have sex with Jennifer. Except for me, because my girlfriend is hotter (probably) and would kill me (definitely).

P.S. the line "fed it into my oral interface" absolutely made my day.